• New option to show an AI estimate of the number of tricks that will be taken for each card with play hints. See settings to enable.
• UI improvements.
• AI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New double dummy analysis option to show a table of all making contracts for a deal. See Settings - Double dummy analysis to enable.
• UI improvements.
• AI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Improved support for large screen and windowed devices.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Improved support for large screen and windowed devices.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• AI improvements.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• AI improvements.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• AI improvements.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• AI bidding and play improvements.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• AI bidding improvements.
• New 2/1 game force bidding AI with improved customization support.
• New Chicago scoring option to score without partscore accumulation.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New bidding system customization options. Select 4 or 5 card majors. Choose weak or strong notrump.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New bidding system customization options. Select 4 or 5 card majors. Choose weak or strong notrump.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New SAYC bidding AI. Includes support for New Minor Forcing and many bug fixes.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New SAYC bidding AI. Includes support for New Minor Forcing and many bug fixes.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New option to set the minimum computer AI bid and play think times. Enable this option to help avoid disclosing singleton and other information during play.
• New SAYC bidding AI (beta). Includes support for New Minor Forcing and many bug fixes.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New SAYC bidding AI (beta). Includes support for New Minor Forcing and many bug fixes.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• AI play improvements.
• New custom AI level. Improve play by giving the AI more time to contemplate its play. Speed up play by giving the AI less time to think.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• AI play improvements.
• New custom AI level. Improve play by giving the AI more time to contemplate its play. Speed up play by giving the AI less time to think.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• AI play improvements.
• New custom AI level. Improve play by giving the AI more time to contemplate its play. Speed up play by giving the AI less time to think.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• AI play improvements.
• New custom AI level. Improve play by giving the AI more time to contemplate its play. Speed up play by giving the AI less time to think.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New card deck with larger card text. See settings to enable.
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New deal sequences. Enter a number to play a predetermined set of hands. Share the number with a friend to play the same hands.
• Bidding and play improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New deal sequences. Enter a number to play a predetermined set of hands. Share the number with a friend to play the same hands.
• Bidding and play improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New deal sequences. Enter a number to play a predetermined set of hands. Share the number with a friend to play the same hands.
• Bidding and play improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New deal sequences. Enter a number to play a predetermined set of hands. Share the number with a friend to play the same hands.
• Bidding and play improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New deal sequences. Enter a number to play a predetermined set of hands. Share the number with a friend to play the same hands.
• Bidding and play improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New deal sequences. Enter a number to play a predetermined set of hands. Share the number with a friend to play the same hands.
• Bidding and play improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Bidding and play improvements. Computer play speed improved.
• Option to save the hand being played as a Portable Bridge Notation (PBN) file.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Bidding and play improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• New Statistics. Statistics now track: declarer successes, declarer failures, slam contracts, suit contracts, notrump contracts, and more.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Deal editor. Create and edit your own deals. Modify deals that you have played from the Deal Database.
• View bidding possibilities from anywhere in the bidding.
• Bidding improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Deal database. As you play, the deals you play will be added to your deal database. Review, replay, and share deals you have played.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Improved PBN file support
• Bidding and play improvements
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• UI improvements
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Play log. View a log of the cards played.
• Review previous hands. While viewing duplicate or matchpoint scores, tap on a previous hand to review the play.
• Play with all cards face up. Great for learning! See settings to enable.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Play log. View a log of the cards played.
• Review previous hands. While viewing duplicate or matchpoint scores, tap on a previous hand to review the play.
• Play with all cards face up. Great for learning! See settings to enable.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Precision system support (beta). Learn or practice the Precision system!
• SOS Redouble support.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Landscape support.
• Bidding system customization. Additional convention support includes Strong Twos, Roman Key Card Blackwood, and Landy.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Bidding system customization (beta). Additional convention support includes Strong Twos, Roman Key Card Blackwood, and Landy.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Bidding system customization (beta). Additional convention support includes Roman Key Card Blackwood and Landy.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Skip hand feature. Optionally skip hands you do not want to play.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Skip hand feature. Optionally skip hands you do not want to play.
• Bidding and play improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• UI improvements.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
• Improved computer AI.
• Fixed problem with PBN file display.
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!
v3.03:• Improved computer AI play.
v3.02:• Improved computer AI play.
v3.01:• Play Review improvements.• Bidding improvements include: negative doubles through 3S, improved weak two responses, and improved slam bidding.• Play improvements.• Improved visibility of the E/W hands during duplicate hand over score display.
v2.94:• Play Review improvements.• Bidding improvements include: negative doubles through 3S, improved weak two responses, and improved slam bidding.• Play improvements.• Improved visibility of the E/W hands during duplicate hand over score display.
v2.93:• Bidding improvements include: negative doubles through 3S, improved weak two responses, and improved slam bidding.• Play improvements.• Improved visibility of the E/W hands during duplicate hand over score display.
v2.81:• New leaderboards for Duplicate Teams and Matchpoint Practice wins.• Replay Hand option can now replay from the start of play or allow you to watch the computer AI play.• Bidding practice now provides an option to play interesting hands.
v2.80:• New leaderboards for Duplicate Teams and Matchpoint Practice wins.• Replay Hand option can now replay from the start of play or allow you to watch the computer AI play.• Bidding practice now provides an option to play interesting hands.
v2.73:• Custom hand characteristics. Play deals with your desired distribution and point count.• Improved play review: step by card, hide the opponent's hands, and resume play from any point.v2.70:• PBN file support (beta). Send a human readable record of your bidding and play of the hand in email to a friend (or yourself). Open a PBN file for play review.
v2.70:PBN file support (beta). Send a human readable record of your bidding and play of the hand in email to a friend (or yourself). Open a PBN file for play review.
v2.55:• Duplicate teams play. Play with three computer team members against four computers!• Improved play review. See how the computer would bid and play the hand.Thank you for your suggestions and feedback!